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The Machine for Chasing Satellites into Orbit Around the Planet with Apparatus.


The rocket was first invented and used by the china, Greek and Romans. The rockets designed in different shapes in different eras but mostly are created in long tube shape and also in current rocketry manufacturing, the shape is preferred look like a tube shaped that one side round close to the pin point and another side is opened. The rocket has the space to contain apparatus to use in the defined mission from the space. The rocket flies rather than rapid but like an air speed fully controllable through a computer or any other controlling unit. The rocket purpose is only to access outer space into orbit around our planet for achieving tasks. We have never thought about to approach or visit the moon but the rocket has become a more powerful and safe source to access to the moon and also every planet in our solar system.
in the twentieth century rockets much effective about terror weapons for armies. The rockets are more useful for holding in it weapons of war and also attack on the targeted enemies without any soldier. Of course it is harmless but in war most effective, but right now the armies or forces make rockets as their supporting source for attacking enemies in wars. Now in the current world of war the rocket is most important for backup bulk of weapons.

Short History of Rockets;

In 13th century gunpowder powered rockets developed by China.
In 1405 "Konard Kyeser" developed in Europe in his military treatise.
In 17th century rocket is worked modern.
In 18tj century iron-cased rockets we're developed by "tipu sultan".
In 1815 constructed rocket-launching platform which allowed rocket to be fired in salvos (6 rockets at a time) by "Alexander Dmitrievich Zasyadko"
In 1844 "William Hale" increased the accuracy of rockets artillery.
In 1865 improved “congreve rocket” by "Edward Mounier Boxer".
In 1926 "Robert Goddard" developed liquid oxygen gasoline rocket.
In 1943 V-2 rocket produced in Germany.
In 1960 rapid development of rocket technology introduced in USA.
Amateur rocket was popular hobby in 1950s and 1960s.
High power rocketry launched in the mid of 1980s, similar to model rocketry.


The rocket also place satellites around our planet, and the satellite is a machine of space that covering many facilities for generation like use of GPS, making international calls, even use our cell phones and predicting the weather. It is also more advantageous for governmental securities rules and regulations by watching whole world into a map by the help of satellite. The rocket is a great technology that can enter into the space.