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A Big Power Plant for Regions and a Manufacturer of Destructive Weapons.


Nuclear power plant is a historical source of power generating plant for entire cities that do not spew pollutants into the air, it was an efficient and practically unlimited, It had the potential to change the planet overnight. This is really a big source of generating power that has the capacity to render whole regions radioactive. Nuclear power is a great invention that took the solution for energy for whole cities and generations really considered in its own unique importance of the past obsolete powers. While there are many source of generating and spreading energy in cities but the nuclear has its own unique importance because it provides the energy from last hundreds of years but today it also a good to demonstrate services. As the people just need the energy for their daily lives that's why they were really involved in such a problem, then the nuclear power plant had taken the place for resolving their problem and become successful for inventing the energy solution for generations. The whole cities had fully relied on the nuclear power plant and the generations really availed the services. The nuclear plant is a superb and cost efficient energy source.

Nuclear power unfortunately was a two edged sword in that because the same energy source could be used to create most destructive weapons in history. Nuclear power considered today only for making the atomic weapons and the weapons used in wars, nuclear power plant basically is an asset for the countries for their backup survival source for wars. Nuclear power plant actually is very sensitive and located in hidden point of governmental jurisdictions. this is a great source of battle in wars, it has convert the wars from days to minutes because it has the most destructive weapons that has the ability to destroy whole cities from one action, so this is the way the world is so shortened for third world war. However the fear of mutually assured destruction probably prevented the world from experiencing a third world war.

Short history of Nuclear Power;

In 1932 physicist “Ernest Rutherford” discovered that when lithium atoms were "split" by protons from a proton accelerator, immense amounts of energy were released in accordance with the principle of “mass–energy equivalence
In 1938 conducted experiments with the products of neutron-bombarded uranium by the German chemists “Otto Hahn” and “Fritz Strassmann” along with some other physicist.
In 1942 in the United States, where” Fermi” and “Szilárd” had both emigrated, this led to the creation of the first man-made reactor, which achieved criticality.
In 1945 the first widely distributed account of nuclear energy, in the form of the pocketbook.
In 1951 electricity was generated for the first time by a nuclear reactor.
In 1954 the USSR's” Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant” became the world's first nuclear power plant to generate electricity.
In 1955 eventually, the USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine launched.
In 1957 in the United States the first commercial nuclear generator to become operational that was “Shipping-port Reactor” (Pennsylvania).
Since about 2001 the term “nuclear renaissance has been used to refer to a possible nuclear power industry revival.
In the mid-1950s, 2008 “commercial nuclear energy” began.
In 2011 halved prior estimate of new generating capacity by “International Energy Agency” to be built by 2035.
In 2012 the world “Nuclear Association” has said that "nuclear power generation” suffered its biggest.
In 2016 over 150 nuclear reactors planned, equivalent to nearly half of capacity at that time.


The nuclear power plant overall is most important for both the ways that has had positive impact for countries rehabilitation. The people are perfectly mature enough to handle that power into the next century. With the plant of nuclear power the countries is known high stronger and powerful.